Computation Structures

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Welcome to the Fall 2024 semester of 6.1910 which we will call 6.191 (also known as 6.004)!

To help you get set up for this course, we will be offering two bash and lab setup tutorials on Thursday September 5th and Monday September 9th from 7-8pm in our lab room which is 32-083.

Our first class will be lecture on Thursday, September 5th. Our lectures are every Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2PM in 32-123. Lectures will be taught by Silvina Hanono Wachman and Christina Delimitrou. Recitations are on Wednesdays and Fridays and they are taught by our course TAs. Recitations are offered throughout the day from 10am-4pm so everyone should be able to fit it into their schedule. Recitations will review material taught in the previous lecture by going over concrete problems that make use of the new material. The first recitation will be on Friday, September 6th.

General course information and policies are available in the Information/Course Information tab.

Lecture slides, lecture videos, and tutorial material are available in the Material/Lectures and Recitations tab.

The course schedule is available on the Information/Schedule tab. It contains all assignment due dates, exam dates, and information about whether or not there is class on a particular day.

Please sign up for piazza for 6.191.

Recitation attendance is mandatory and counts for 5% of your grade. To receive credit for each recitation you must complete the post-lecture exercises by 10AM the day of recitation and you must attend your assigned recitation. Please check which recitation you are assigned to using the View Recitation tool. Most of you have an initial assignment corresponding to what the registrar assigned. If you are not assigned to a recitation or have a conflict with the one you are assigned to, please use this tool to add yourself to another open recitation. If you cannot find an open recitation that fits your schedule please post privately on piazza explaining your situation. We do offer the option to opt-out of recitations which can be done through the same tool. If you opt-out of recitations then your quiz grades will be used for that 5% of your grade. You may choose to opt-out up until add date. Note that failing to sign up to a recitation section is not considered opting out. If you don't properly opt-out and do not attend recitations you will get a 0 for that 5% of your grade.